Spanish 2 (Period 5th)

Course Description


Expectations:  This course is a review of the material learned in Spanish 1 combined with new material.  Students will be given homework where they will have to memorize, practice and write Spanish.  Students will also be expected to speak in Spanish in the classroom.  Failure to do these things will result in a failing grade.  Please encourage your student to do their part in order to have a successful year in Spanish.


Textbook Avancemos 2


Textbook website Level 2


Online textbook can be found at Avancemos level 2 
click on Classzone 2
click on 2010 text and log in with your information 
You will receive information after Labor Day

Spanish 2


Expectations:  This course is a review of the material learned in Spanish 1 combined with new material.  Students will be given homework where they will have to memorize, practice and write Spanish.  Students will also be expected to speak in Spanish in the classroom.  Failure to do these things will result in a failing grade.  Please encourage your student to do their part in order to have a successful year in Spanish.