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  • 14:60 Jorge Pt. 2

    I almost didn't post I could be with you when you watch the exciting conclusion to Jorge Pt.1...but that would be cruel and George would not like this.

    Best part of Pt. 2 is when George adopts a monkey and the monkey helps him win Alicia's heart!
    Okay, so there's no monkey, but if George DID adopt a monkey that would make this a five-star film!
    So enjoy this 4.95 stars film...with no monkey...

    Uploaded Mar 05, 2024
  • 14:41 Jorge Pt.1

    Meet George...better known or soon-to-be known as Jorge! Part I is almost painful to watch because you want to help George with...well, everything. Enjoy the film's style, its phenomenal characters, and its sudden parodies of Latin America telenovelas--similar to soap operas in plot development, but they have a larger audience and air during prime time. They are characterized by a continuing melodramatic storyline and a permanent cast.

    Uploaded Mar 05, 2024
  • 6:14 Pigeon: Impossible

    Here it is, folks! As you watch this, keep in mind that this was pulled off pretty much by one guy! And what film did this inspire? Don't ask me! You look it up!
    "And what is this guy doing now," I hear you ask...well, I'm glad you asked. You should look him fact, yes, please look him up and answer the questions on Canvas. After you watch this, of course.

    Uploaded Mar 05, 2024
  • 5:16 4th Newscast

    Another rockstar student! This student involved her siblings during the lockdown--you might even recognize someone you know as her guest-star! Enjoy! I definitely did!

    Uploaded Mar 05, 2024
  • 3:37 3rd Newscast

    Rockstar student who took this class during the pandemic...I NEVER met her in-person! Yet she did an outstanding job on this newscast and had fun doing it--playing ALL the roles! Enjoy this one-student show!

    Uploaded Mar 05, 2024
  • 4:33 2nd Newscast

    This one has it all--starting with a commercial (a "video" that re-used the same audio from this group's radio commercial--brilliant and time-saving!) and including fast-paced segments including REAL footage from the renovation...the background of the front of the Main Building will cause your jaws to drop and you might even say, "No way!" and stuff like that. Overall a solid newscast...perfect? Pretty darn close...

    Uploaded Mar 05, 2024
  • 5:16 1st Newscast

    This is a group project approach--quirky humor...some of you will like this...some won't. Either way, please pay attention to the structure of their newscast: Title screen, transition screens, commercials between segments.
    Is it perfect?!? No way! But hey, they filmed during the renovation!

    Uploaded Mar 05, 2024
  • 2:41 Senior Film II--Exam Choice 1--Guess Who's Coming to Dinner--Scene 1--Pleased to Meet You

    This is the scene when Joey (Katharine Houghton) is telling her mother, Kristina (Katharine Hepburn), about her new love, John. We get to witness her reaction as she hears about John and then sees him for the first time. Answer the following questions in your minimum one (1) page discussion of this scene. Email your discussion to me:

    1. Discuss in detail what is going on in this scene--you may want to mention what occurs immediately before and/or immediately following to "frame" your discussion.
    2. What are the social issues being raised by the film/filmmaker (Stanley Kramer) in this scene?
    3. Describe your reaction to this scene--how does it make you feel? Use examples from the clip
    4. Not related to this clip--What film should I never show a class ever again? Defend your choice.

    Uploaded Apr 25, 2022
  • 1:60 Senior Film II--Exam Choice 2--Guess Who's Coming to Dinner--Scene 2--Get Lost Edited

    This is the scene when Kristina (Katharine Hepburn) fires her employee, Hilary.
    Answer the following questions in your minimum one (1) page discussion of this scene. Email your discussion to me:

    1. Discuss in detail what is going on in this scene--you may want to mention what occurs immediately before and/or immediately following to "frame" your discussion.
    2. What are the social issues being raised by the film/filmmaker (Stanley Kramer) in this scene?
    3. Describe your reaction to this scene--how does it make you feel? Use examples from the clip
    4. Not related to this clip--What film should I never show a class ever again? Defend your choice.

    Uploaded Apr 25, 2022
  • 00:60 Fall Exam Film #4--"Whispers"

    Watch (and possibly analyze) this film that will especially appeal to those of you who...well, just watch...

    Uploaded Dec 14, 2021
  • 1:00 Fall Exam Film #3--"Teamwork"

    Watch (and possibly analyze) this film that will especially appeal to those of you who have ever worked and dealt with fellow employees.

    Uploaded Dec 14, 2021
  • 00:58 Fall Exam Short Film #2--"Perfection"

    Watch (and possibly analyze) a film that will make you think: "Oh my, this is SO me!" or possibly "Oh my, this is SO Coach Steinbrecher!" Start & GET IT DONE!

    Uploaded Dec 14, 2021