Joey Nesbit » Classroom Rules & Procedures

Classroom Rules & Procedures

Coach Nesbit
US Government
Bartlett High

Classroom Rules:
1) Be in class and ready to start class when the bell rings. Tardy students MUST sign tardy log located at front of classroom for any tardies.
2) Bring all materials needed for class everyday.
3) Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
4) Wait until the teacher dismisses you before leaving class.
5) Follow all school rules.
6) Follow the Golden Rule- do unto others (including the teacher) as you
would have them do unto you.

For classroom rules #1-4 the following negative consequences will be implemented for disobeying.
1st offense-warning
2nd offense-student/teacher conference
3rd offense-call parents
4th offense-Referral
Any offense that disobeys school rules will be dealt with according to Bartlett High policy.

Conduct Grading Policy:
Conduct grades consist of E,S,N, and U. All students start each 9 weeks
with an E (excellent). Students that have 2 offenses in a 9 weeks will receive a S (satisfactory). Students whose parents have been contacted during a 9 weeks due to conduct problems will receive a N (needs improvement). Any student that is suspended because of conduct in my classroom will receive a U (unsatisfactory).

Coach Nesbit can be contacted by email at [email protected].
The Bartlett High School phone number is 901-373-2620.