Señor Jose Arroyo » Spanish 2

Spanish 2

Quiz Each Wednesday and Friday: Content of the quiz will depend on what we are covering.
Each Wednesday there will be a quiz covering vocabulary for the current unit. 
Each Friday there will be a grammar quiz, oral proficiency quiz, or a listening comprehension quiz.
Tests and Exams: Students will be required to take a cumulative assessment after we have completed each Lesson. Each unit has two lessons. It takes around two and a half weeks to get through each lesson. We will have a mid term exam before Christmas break. The Mid-term will cover all concepts covered up until that point. The final exam will be given at the end of the 2016-2017 school year. 
We are looking into the possibilities of taking part in the National Spanish Exam this year. More information will be sent home once additional information becomes available.
Use your personalized username and password to gain access to the Avancemos website:

Study Resources:
 To study along with the book content:
To practice vocabulary and  to create digital flashcards: 
To practice grammar concepts:
To practice verb conjugations:
To practice listening and comprehension:
To practice listening and to learn new and useful vocabulary:
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Attendance Policy for 1stPeriod

  1. All absences are recorded UNEXCUSEDuntil the student brings the appropriate note signed by a parent/guardian or doctor. All such notes should have the students name printed, the date of the absence(s), the reason for the absence, and Ms. Malone written very largely at the bottom of the note.
  2. Absentee notes must be presented to the student’s first period teacher within 48 hours of the absence.

When you come back to school from your absence, you should give your parent note to Ms. Malone before class begins (before 7:00am).  If you do not have a parent note, you must still see Ms. Malone before 7am because she has to write you an unexcused note until you bring your parent note. 

  1. After 10 or more tardies or absences (excused or unexcused), students are required to provide documentation from a doctor to receive an excusedtardy or absence for reason of illness.
  2. To expedite the check-out process, students who plan to leave school or have a parent pick them up for reasons defined in the Bartlett City Schools Attendance Policy mustbring a note to their first period teacherrequesting permission to check-out. All notes must be signed by the parent or guardian and include a confirmation telephone number. All notes will be confirmed before a student is allowed to leave campus.  There will be no check-outs after 1:30p.m.
  3. Class starts at 7:00 a.m. sharp. Students not in the classroom when the bell rings are tardy. Students who are late to school, but arrive before 7:15 a.m., should report to first period and will be marked tardy.  
  4. Students who arrive after 7:15 a.m. should report to the Attendance Office and then bring the note to Ms. Malone.
  5. Students who are tardy to class will be handled through the following process:
    1. Warning at Tardy #1,
    2. Parent called/e-mailed/contacted at tardy #2
    3. At tardy #3 the student will receive a referral to an administrator.

**Excessive tardiness to first period is considered truancy. Students who do not ride the busto school and arrive late due to a transportation reason will receive an unexcused tardy. 

Tardy Referral number 1 will consequence in Detention, Tardy Referral number 2 will result in 2 days ISS, Tardy Referral number 3 will result in 2 days OSS.  Tardies will reset at the beginning of each nine-week grading period.