Shoneisha Myers » Myers English 10

Myers English 10

This course is aligned to the Tennessee State Standards for 10th Grade English Language Arts. The Tennessee State Standards for English Language Arts are rigorous, research and evidence- based and address the demands of today to prepare students to succeed in the 21st century.

 To the left you can access a link for the course syllabus.
Feel free to contact me at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
Tutoring is available by appointment only.
All students will participate in these novel studies over the course of the year
Novels Studies will include:
Q1 Unit: Inside the Nightmare
Night By Elie Wiesel
Q2 Unit: Outsiders and Outcast
Of Mice and Men 
By John Steinbeck
Q3 Unit : Extending Freedom's Reach
Why We Can't Wait
By Martin Luther King, Jr.
Q4 Unit: Virtue and Vengeance
I Know What You Did Last Summer
By Louis Duncan