Varsity Band Honors (Period 6th)

Course Description

Varsity Band II, III, IV (Honors)                   
Grade Level: 10-12 
Credit: 1
Number of Semesters: 2


Prerequisites: Intermediate or Varsity Band and/or previous experience in Middle School Band is required, Placement Audition is required.
Varsity Band II, III, IV Honors will include all the requirements of the Varsity Band. The Varsity Band II, III, IV class will focus on “Grade level 5 & 6” concert band music after the marching band season. Sound development, pitch control, and ability to play in tune at an advanced level will be central to the daily instruction of this course. Additional assignments and program of study in music will include: composition, Jazz improvisation, writing assignments in music evaluation & criticism, and performing on instruments at the advanced level as identified by the Tennessee State Standards for Instrumental Music at the “advanced” performance level indicators. Students can earn a grade of up to 103 for successful completion of the Honors requirements. Teacher’s recommendation is required to enroll in this class. This class will meet the “Fine Arts Elective” and/or “Focused Elective” requirement for graduation. There is a fee for this class. 

