Ray Schwill » Virtual Classroom Rules

Virtual Classroom Rules

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Mr. Schwill’s Virtual Procedures and Policies for


100% Virtual Class 2020-2021


Please read with your parents.


Enter all zoom class meetings through Clever.


Behavior Expectations:


  1. Be on time to class zoom meetings.
  2. Enter the waiting room and wait to be admitted to the zoom class. I will admit you to the class. Turn on your video and keep it on throughout the duration of the class. I want to see your face!
  3. Mute the audio button in the lower left hand side of your upon entering the class. I will set up procedures for you to speak. We will not be able to hear anything if everyone has their mike open at once.
  4. Take care of all personal business between classes.
  5. Enter class prepared with all assignments completed and all materials in hand. During the class is not the time to work on

    forgotten/late assignments.

  1. Fully charge your computer each evening or plug in before class.
  2. Refrain from using your phone or texting during class.
  3. Be courteous and respectful of others' zoom space, shared work, and ideas.
  4. Absolutely no food or eating during zoom meetings.
  5. Dress as if you are in public because YOU ARE IN PUBLIC, virtually.
  6. Instruction is from the start of class until the end. Remain connected to the class until I dismiss you by ending the class.
  7. Refrain from any behaviors that are a distraction to the learning process. If you are causing a distraction(s) it will begin the disciplinary process.


The regular discipline progression will apply to virtual classes:


  1. First incident, counseling student
  2. Second incident, I inform your parents of the incident by phone or email.
  3. Third incident, referral you to grade administrator for formal disciplinary action.


An incident is any action or behavior that defies the stated behavior expectations or distracts from my teaching or from other students' learning. If I must stop instruction or learning processes to "deal" with a behavior, including things you do/do not do or things you say, that is an "incident." 

Also, the BCS Virtual Handbook states the following procedures will be followed


When attending class online, students are expected to:

  • Use their BCS issued device.
  • Log in with their BCS email and should display their first and last name.
  • Keep their video stream on. When speaking, speak to the camera not to their screen.
  • Keep their microphone muted, except when speaking with the teacher or as directed otherwise.
  • Be dressed appropriately for school.
  • Limit distractions from learning, including visiting other websites/programs and using cell


  • Adhere to the schedule provided to them by the teacher.
  • Commit to meeting all assignment due dates.
  • Email the teacher if they are ill and/or unable to access Curve.


I can be contacted at [email protected].