Denise Henry » Classroom Policies

Classroom Policies

General policies/guidelines will be in place for the year. Changes will be made and things adjusted as needed as we maneuver thru the first few weeks. 


Class Policies and Procedures

[email protected]



  1. Respect everyone (the teachers, your neighbor, the classroom, and yourself).
  2. Be on time.
  3. Be prepared – binder w/paper, pencil, laptop (fully charged), calculator
  4. Be nice. Do not make fun of or criticize.
  5. Be ready to start class when the bell rings. This means sharpen your pencil, get out paper, etc.
  6. Keep up with what’s going on.
  7. Stay in your seat until time to dismiss.



  5. TARDIES!!!



If you miss my class, you will miss something. There is no “did we do anything yesterday?” YES WE DID. You need to come to class. ADMIT POLICY: When you are absent, please be sure to bring your admit to class with you. You will not be allowed to go back to another class to get it. There is a stamp on my desk that you can use to stamp your admit slip.  FIELD TRIPS – I do not sign field trip forms. You may use my stamp so that you have my signature if needed on your form.


The Bartlett City Schools Board of Education believes that regular attendance is a necessary requirement of all students. All students are expected to attend school on each day that school is officially in session. Only the following reasons will be considered for excused absences:

  1. Personal illness. The District may require a parent conference and/or physician verification to justify absences after the accumulation of ten (10) days of absence during a school year. Notes must be date specific and will be required for subsequent absences beyond ten (10) days.
  2. Illness of immediate family member
  3. Death in the family
  4. Extreme weather conditions
  5. Religious observances
  6. Circumstances which in the judgment of the principal create emergencies over which the student has no control

A statement (handwritten or e-mail) within two (2) school days of the student's return to school shall be required from the parent or guardian explaining the reason for each absence; otherwise, the absence will be considered unexcused.

If necessary, verification is required from an official source to justify absences. All absences other than those outlined above shall be considered unexcused.





You are expected to be in class on time. No excuses.

*The first week of school is your grace period. You need to plan your route so that you are on time to class.

**You will receive 1 free tardy to class each quarter. After that one, the following is in place:

1st tardy – warning       

2nd tardy – conference

3rd tardy – parent contact

4th tardy - referral



*If the assignment is given prior to the day missed, the work is due on the day of return.

Make up work may not be done during class time.

The work you missed will be in your mailbox the day you return. You will need to get it when you leave class. If you miss a worksheet, it will be in the binder located on the table next to my door. You will go to your period and find the sheet with your name on it.

Makeup day for tests and quizzes is Thursday. You will need to sign up to come in. The purpose of signing up is so I have a copy of it for you.


Board policy will be followed when handling absences:

Students who have unexcused absences from school will be entitled to make-up work within one day of the absence.  Teachers should assist students and parents as make-up work is completed. The standard shall be one day make-up time per one day excused absence. When you notify parents and students of your classroom policies during the first week of school, inform all students of your make-up policy, including long-range assignment procedures.  Make-up work/test should not be conducted during the class period.  Grading practices should fall within the guidelines dictated in BCS Policy 4014.”



My classroom is a flipped classroom. This means that you do your notes outside of class, and we work problems in class. I do this so that we can focus on practice instead of copying notes during the 45 minutes you are with me. You are required to have notes completed the day after I give them out. A grade will be taken on the notes at the beginning of each class period. AT THE END OF THE CHAPTER, THESE WILL BE TOTALED AND PUT IN AS A QUIZ GRADE.



Most of the work for my class will be done during class. However, sometimes homework is a necessity. 2 forms of homework will be given–

  • Delta Math – These are online assignments. These assignments will be graded for both completion and accuracy. You will have a set deadline for getting the assignment submitted.
  • Textbook/worksheet/etc. - I will go over homework at the beginning of each class period. It is your  responsibility to ask needed questions. Homework quizzes will be given over these assignments. Homework will not be taken up on a daily basis, but students are encouraged and expected to do homework. Homework should always be kept in the homework section of your binder. Late homework will not be accepted.



This year grades will be weighted using the following percentages.

         TESTS                                     40%

         QUIZZES                                 25%

         PRACTICE/OTHER WORK              35%


  1. Notebooks, or OSB, will be checked periodically during the 9 weeks. You will always know when this will be done. Notebooks will be worth a quiz grade. Tabbed dividers are required for your OSB. It is your responsibility to keep your OSB organized at all times.
  2. One test retake per chapter is allowed. You will receive the higher grade of the two. The following procedure will be in place for retakes:

You have one week from the day I give the test back to come in for the retake. REMINDER – retakes are done on Thursdays. Retakes will always be a different version of the original test. You must sign up to come in for the retake. IF you sign up to retake the test and do not show up, then you forfeit being able to retake the test. A suggestion would be to come in for tutoring to go over what you missed then do the retake on Thursday.

  1. Quizzes may not be retaken.
  2. Opportunities for extra credit will be given throughout the 9 weeks.
  3. GRADING SCALE: 90-100 A, 80-89 B, 70-79 C, 60-69 D, below 60 F



EACH STUDENT SHOULD HAVE A TI-84, TI-84+, OR TI-84+CE FOR THIS CLASS. Phones may not be used for calculators. Laptops will be used regularly but not necessarily daily. Students should always bring their fully charged laptop to class. We will toggle back and forth on calculator use meaning there will be topics that we will cover where you are not allowed to use a calculator.



First and most important:  all policies in the student handbook will be followed!  You must always be prepared to accept the consequences for your actions.  You are responsible for you and only you! Students who can’t seem to act right will be removed from class.  Also know that FAIR DOESN’T ALWAYS MEAN EQUAL. I will handle situations as I feel they need to be handled.


You are juniors and seniors in high school. Most of you already have jobs, so responsibility is already part of your routine. There should be no reason for me to remind you how you need to act when you are in a classroom.



We use the Blitzer PreCalculus book for class. The PDF version of the textbook is located on my webpage and should be downloaded to your desktop for easy access. I do not have a classroom set in my classroom.



Bookbags and purses are to be on the floor under the desk at all times. There is not enough walking room for things to be spread out everywhere. Ladies, your purse needs to be on the floor at all times. You need to have space to do your work.



Students will be expected to join Remind101 to keep up with what is going on in class.   Students and parents are encouraged to join my webpage to get updates as well.



Phones and Apple watches are not permitted during class time. Phones and watches must be put on silent and put away when the tardy bell rings. If you feel that you can not stay off of it during class, you can put it in your mailbox. When class is over, you will be allowed to get your phone and/or your watch. Students are expected to follow this policy.



*Do not run to my classroom. You are not on the playground. However, you do need to walk with a purpose so that you are not late. Please do not yell at me in the hallway that you are coming or whatever else. That will not keep you from being marked late. If you need to go to the restroom, come to class first to avoid being marked tardy.

1) When you come in, put your stuff down on your desk and sharpen your pencil if necessary.

  • Go back to your desk, have a seat, and get your homework out or start on your bellwork. If notes are due, take them out and put them on the corner of your desk for me to come by and check.



When you come in to class, sit in the seat that I have given you with your group/partner. Groups/partners will be utilized as needed in class to help with understanding and work.



Please do not talk while others are talking. That is disrespectful. Do not make fun of someone else because of a question that they have. Be nice!!


We will have a good time if the class allows it. I want you to be comfortable in the learning environment.


Keep up with what is going on. Don’t let me get too far ahead if you have a question. If no one asks, then I keep moving.


All of your stuff stays out until I let you know that we are done for the day. Do not start packing things up early.



I will dismiss you not the bell. We will dismiss with an activity each day. Always make sure you look around for anything you might leave behind.


Clean up any mess you made including returning any materials you might have borrowed during class.



Sometimes I will have to miss class for either family reasons or for cheer. You are to always be respectful to my substitute.

  • Planned absences – I will always tell you if I know I am going to be out for a day. Your assignment will be left with my sub, sent out on Remind, and posted on my webpage. Work is always due at the end of class whether you finish it or not.
  • Unplanned absences – If an emergency arises and I have to be out, I will send you a message on Remind. I will post your assignment on my webpage.




Tutoring will be on Wednesdays after school 2:15-3:00.

Retakes/makeups will be on Thursdays after school 2?15-3:00.

*You do not have to sign up for tutoring. However, if you are not in my class by 2:15, I will not wait for you.

**You MUST sign up to come in on Thursdays.