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Welcome to my Webpage. I teach AP Human Geography and US History/Geography. In both courses we will be exploring how we have helped shape the world as well as how it has shaped us. I am also the assistant Wrestling Coach. For Wrestling information click on the Panther Wrestling Tab or email me at [email protected].
Syllabi- Attached on right hand side under my picture
AP Human Geography Summer Assignment: Summer Assignment.docx 
PDF if the link is not working will be on the righthand side of the page
U.S. State Standards-See Attachment to the Right, U.S. EOC Writing Rubric , U.S. EOC Blueprint
Theodore-Roosevelt.jpg                            world map of lights at night.jpg


1. BR:

At the beginning of the twentieth century, which group was best 

known for its attempts to reform U.S. urban political machines? #Unit 2 Prog Era

A evangelicals

B industrialists

C isolationists

D progressives


2. We will accomplish the following standard (14) by answering the questions below for each 

(label the next section of #Unit 2 Prog Era with standard 14 below)


14:Citing textual evidence as appropriate, explain the significant roles 

played by muckrakers and progressive idealists, including Robert La Follette, 

Theodore Roosevelt, Ida Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, and Upton Sinclair


-Intro questions: What were the goals of the Progressives?

-For each person in the standard above: Explain how were they a Muckraker or

 a Progressive Idealist based on information/evidence you

 find in the article or bio. Include a citation of the evidence using parentheses

of just the base name from the website you took it from. Example ( 

3-5 sentences for each person. Be specific!

For the next link, scroll down to the section that says "Theodore Roosevelt in the White House"

3. Work on vocab if you finish before we review Standard 14 or begin the HW

HW: Finish Standard 14 if you have not already




AP HUG Agenda 8/12

1. BR: Get out Mind Map and compare with person next to you.  

Don't know them? Introduce yourself and tell them your favorite 

theme park or vacation you have ever been on. Look to #2 in Agenda for guiding questions

 if you need help.

2. Pair then share: What was similar/different about your maps? 

Why did they draw the things they did? 

What Units of AP HUG do you think this activity relates to? Why? (refer to your descriptions from day 1 homework)

3. Why of Where and Who cares?



HW:Story of One (

-How is this story impacted by Imperialism?

-Find 3 countries that have been impacted by Imperialism and tell us

 their story of how it probably affected them (we will discuss both this and #3 of the Agenda tomorrow)

Agenda 8/9 Honors U.S.

Parent Contact List

1. BR:Get out sheet of paper and write 1 paragraph about yourself entitled "Who am I?" 

-If you need paper, there is copy paper on the front table

(can include, but not limited to: your favorite pastime, family, 

favorite subject, basically what you care about and what you spend time on)

2.Hand out and go over syllabus 

-Supplies, Phones, what other teachers do

3.Get Notecard and record the following info (hold the card vertically):

-Full Name

-Parents names and phone number

-School Involvement or hobbies outside of school

-Grade you expect to get in this class

-Do you have internet access at home?

4.Preview of first Unit/DBQ Papers

5. Map of the United States-Label each state as well as the following major cities:

Boston • Pittsburgh • Chicago • San Francisco • New York City (quiz over it on Monday of next week)


Honors U.S. Agenda 8/11

1. BR: Get out sheet of paper and label it "Catch Up Unit."  

Then answer the following questions to the best of your ability, in context. 

What is the Constitution? What year was it ratified? 

2.Crash Course: The Constitution

-What was the point of the Constitution? AKA Why was it necessary?

-What powers do each of the branches hold?


3. Start Debate Notes (if absent, see Notes tab on my teacher page)

4. Jetpunk and Lizardpoint for map review



AP HUG Agenda 8/11

1. Get Notecard and record the following info (hold the card vertically):

-Full Name

-Parents names and phone numbers

-School Involvement or hobbies outside of school

-Grade you expect to get in this class

-Do you have internet access at home?

  • When done, discuss the following question with your group
    • what did you pass on the way to school this morning?

2. Vocabulary


- Unit 1 located on my website

-Notecard template

     -More examples, the better you will understand the term

-Unit 1 Vocabulary (#1-37 due on _Friday 8/20______)

3. AP Exam


-Price and Due Date  ($96 by _the end of this month__________)

-Date of Exam 5/5 Cinco De Mayo!

4. HW: Mental Map of Bartlett

-See my website above and go to Projects/Assignments tab

AP HUG Agenda 8/9


Parent Contact List

1. BR:Get out sheet of paper and write 1 paragraph about yourself entitled "Who am I?" 

-If you need paper, there is copy paper on the front table

(can include, but not limited to: your favorite pastime, family, favorite subject, basically what you care about and what you spend time on)

2. Describe the Spatial layout of the classroom on back of "Who am I?" Question

3.Hand out and go over syllabus (What is Human Geography?)

-Supplies, Phones, what other teachers do-I don't care

4. Canvas Accounts? (memorize/record it where you will never lose it-phone is bad idea bc you will have limited use of it in this class)


-Email is best means of contacting me 

5.Remind (I usually do NOT check Remind: I use it to send out info, not receive it)

6.Get Notecard and record the following info (hold the card vertically):

-Full Name

-Parents names and phone numbers

-School Involvement or hobbies outside of school

-Grade you expect to get in this class

-Do you have internet access at home?

7.HW: Look up and record the 7 Units of AP Human Geography with a basic description of each on a sheet of paper. Label each unit separately 

Announcement:  Latin America Quiz Friday. Summer Assignment Quiz on Tuesday of next week


Agenda 6/24

1. BR: Get out #roc and add the following section and questions to it. ‌ CC: Ronald Reagan ‌ -TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS/supply side economics- What is it? ‌ -How did he contribute to the fall of the Soviet Union? ‌ -How was Reagan's second term different than the first? ‌ ‌ -Go over ‌

2.Reagan Notes ‌

3. Label next section President Reagan ‌ 1. Name 4 parts of Reagan's "Message" ‌ ‌ 2. Who tried to assassinate Reagan in 1980? ‌ ‌ 3. Explain how Reaganomics works ‌ ‌ 4. Explain the Iran-Contra Affair and how it was a scandal ‌

‌ 4. Recap Carter and Reagan ‌ 5.War on Drugs ‌ - ‌ -Do you believe Nancy Reagan makes a good argument? Why or why not? What evidence does she use? ‌ HW: Make sure vocab is finished and with you tomorrow

Agenda 8/12:

1. BR:Get out sheet of paper and write 1 paragraph about yourself entitled "Who am I?" 

-If you need paper, there is copy paper on the front table

(can include, but not limited to: your favorite pastime, family, 

favorite subject, basically what you care about and what you spend time on)

2.Hand out and go over syllabus 

-Supplies, Phones, what other teachers do-I don't care

3.Get Notecard and record the following info (hold the card vertically):

-Full Name

-Parents names and phone number

-School Involvement or hobbies outside of school

-Grade you expect to get in this class

-Do you have internet access at home?

4.Preview of first Unit/DBQ Papers


5. Map of the United States-Label each state as well as the following major cities:

Boston • Pittsburgh • Chicago • San Francisco • New York City (quiz over it on Tuesday of next week)

Unit 4 Vocab: WWII

Unit 4: WWII (Ch. 16-17)

  • Joseph Stalin •totalitarian •Benito Mussolini •fascism •Adolf Hitler •Nazism •Neutrality Acts•Neville Chamberlain •Winston Churchill •appeasement •nonaggression pact •blitzkrieg •Holocaust •genocide •ghetto •concentration camp•Axis powers •Lend-Lease Act •Atlantic Charter •Allies •Hideki Tojo

  • George Marshall •Women’s Auxiliary Army Corp (WAAC) •A. Philip Randolph •Manhattan Project •Office of Price Administration (OPA) •War Production Board (WPB) •rationing•Dwight D. Eisenhower •D-Day  •Battle of the Bulge •V-E Day •Harry S. Truman •Douglas MacArthur •Battle of Midway •kamikaze •J. Robert Oppenheimer•Hiroshima •Nagasaki •Nuremberg trials •GI Bill of Rights •James Farmer •Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) •internment •Japanese American Citizens League (JACL)

Welcome to my website! Here is some basic info.

Class Schedule:

U.S. History: 1st, 6th 

Honors U.S.: 2nd, 3rd, 7th

AP Human Geography: 4th

My grading policy:

-You can see it by class by clicking on the class syllabus for each particular course. The AP HUG syllabus is on the AP HUG website link to the right


My Email: [email protected]