Unit 6: New Frontier, Great Society, and Civil Rights Ch.20, 21, 23


  • John F. Kennedy •flexible response •Fidel Castro •Berlin Wall •Limited Test Ban Treaty•New Frontier •Peace Corps •Alliance for Progress •Warren Commission•Lyndon Baines Johnson •Economic Opportunity Act •Great Society •Medicare and Medicaid •Immigration Act of 1965 •Warren Court •reapportionment •gerrymandering
  • Thurgood Marshall •Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka •Rosa Parks •Martin Luther King, Jr. •Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) •Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) •sit-in•freedom riders •Civil Rights Act of 1964 •Freedom Summer •Fannie Lou Hamer •Voting Rights Act of 1965•de facto segregation •de jure segregation •Malcolm X •Nation of Islam •Stokely Carmichael •Black Power •Black Panthers •Kerner Commission •Civil Rights Act of 1968 •affirmative action
  • César Chávez •United Farm Workers Organizing Committee•American Indian Movement (AIM)  •feminism •National Organization for Women (NOW) •Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) •Phyllis Schlafly•counterculture •Haight-Ashbury