Amanda Tutor » Advanced Photography Syllabus 2023-2024

Advanced Photography Syllabus 2023-2024



Advanced Photography Course Syllabus


Bartlett High School

Instructor - Amanda Tutor [email protected]

What makes a photograph great?

As result of taking the basic Photography course, Advanced Photography students should be able to answer this question. They should also be visually literate, be able to describe and analyze photographs using the correct terminology, be able to name and discuss historic and modern photographers and be able to shoot and edit their own unique photographic compositions.

In Advanced Photography, students will continue to

apply what they have learned and create personally meaningful work. Students will participate in photographic challenges and assignments to build and strengthen skills. Students will have MUCH more freedom to choose what subjects, styles, themes and concepts they are most interested in and develop several bodies of work throughout the year.

As a result of this course, students will be able to generate ideas, themes and concepts for their own photographic work and execute these ideas to produce several collections of work.  Students will also be able think critically about the work of professional photographers as well as their peers.


Students will receive a grade per week, usually entered by Monday of the following week. Students will be told what assignment, activity, or project their weekly grade will be attributed too.


Students usually pay a $20 course fee for the printing of photographs - with the exception being students who are on free and reduced lunch.

Learning Outcomes

To successfully complete this course, students must:

Enroll in class "remind" 

Attend class

      Complete assignments by given deadlines

Cooperate with other students and staff to increase learning potential

Take and Edit photos successfully 

Take part in class discussions and critiques of photos presented in class.

Required Materials

Any device that has a camera feature, like a cell phone or an actual digital camera. If you own a digital camera, please do not bring your camera to school until directed to do so.