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NCAA Eligibility Info

Click HERE to go to the NCAA Eligibility Center Website

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The following courses have been approved from the NCAA Eligibility Center for Bartlett High School.

 This list is accurate as of April 27, 2016.

For a larger format please click HERE and Bartlett High School's CEEB Code is 430070.



Eligibility Requirements 

Our Initial-Eligibility Brochure provides a general overview of the NCAA Eligibility Center requirements. 

Our Division I Quick Reference Sheet provides a general overview of the D I NCAA Eligibility Center requirements. 

Our Division II Quick Reference Sheet provides a general overview of the D II NCAA Eligibility Center requirements. 


Test Scores

For a student's academic certification to be processed, the student must have ACT or SAT scores submitted to the Eligibility Center directly from the testing agency using the code 9999. Test scores on a high school transcript cannot be used. Students may take the ACT or the SAT an unlimited number of times prior to full-time collegiate enrollment, and the best score will be used in the final academic certification. Test scores are matched to the student's Eligibility Center account by name, date of birth and address.