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Student Resources

CollegeWeekLive is a free, online college fair which features approximately one hundred and fifty colleges and universities worldwide. These virtual college fairs offer a convenient way for students, parents, and educators to interact with college admissions counselors.  

Click on logo above or HERE to be directed to their website. features a FREE scholarship search, helpful financial aid information, and virtual tours of over 1,300 college campuses!

Click on logo above or HERE to be directed to their website.

Click on the PHOTO above for the eCampusTours advisor magazine

features articles and tips about college planning, campus life, and financial aid.

Click on the PHOTO above for the eCampusTours advisor magazine

features articles and tips about college planning, campus life, and financial aid.


Student Outreach Services (SOS) is a community service program that promotes student interest in higher education by increasing awareness of college, career, and financial aid opportunities. The SOS staff is dedicated to supporting school counselors and teachers by providing free college and career planning resources and services for students and parents. 

Click on logo above or HERE to be directed to their website.

Tennessee Universities & College Map

Click the logo above or HERE to download.

College Week Live - Oct. Event

How to Get Money for College - eCampus

eCampus Magazine

TN Colleges Map