Melissa Hopkins » Syllabus



French I – Students in French I will learn basic vocabulary and grammar that will allow them to communicate at a novice to intermediate level. We focus on speaking, writing, listening, and reading comprehension while also learning about France and other francophone cultures. ​

French II – Students in French II will continue learning vocabulary and more advanced grammar that will allow them to communicate at a higher level. We focus on speaking, writing, listening, and reading comprehension while using past and future tenses and continuing to learn about France and francophone cultures.


French II Honors – Students in French II honors will be challenged to reach higher levels of proficiency through speaking, writing, listening, and reading comprehension and should master these skills while advancing their knowledge of vocabulary and using past, present, and future tenses.

French III Honors –
Students in French III honors will be challenged to reach higher levels of proficiency through speaking, writing, listening, and reading comprehension and should master these skills while advancing their knowledge of vocabulary and using past, present, and future tenses as well as other more complex grammatical structures.


French IV Honors - Students in French IV honors will use their knowledge of the French language to reach higher levels of proficiency through speaking, writing, listening, and reading comprehension.



  1. Be in your assigned seat when the tardy bell rings.
  2. Bring all necessary materials to class (book, paper, pen/pencil).
  3. Follow directions!
  4. Receive permission to speak during class.
  5. No food, gum, or candy in class.
  6. No visible cell phones in class unless it is being used for instructional purposes and with my approval. Otherwise they must be turned off and put away at all times.


  1. Students must be in their seats when the tardy bell rings and begin bell work.
  2. No more than two students will be allowed to go to the restroom during a class period. Students are advised to go to the restroom before coming to class.
  3. Remain in your seat unless you have been given permission. Students must wait until class has been dismissed to throw paper away or sharpen pencils.
  4. Students must work only on French assignments.
  5. Desks must be cleared of personal items such as purses and backpacks during class. They must be stored on the floor or hook of your desk. They should not be on the desk, backs, or shoulders of students during class.
  6. Students will not give or receive aid on tests, quizzes, or exams. Students will not copy or allow to be copied any homework or other assignments. Students will receive a zero on the assignment if they do.
  7. Students may not sleep or put their heads down during class.
  8. If I am absent, I expect you to respect a substitute and complete any work assigned.


     1. Conduct is based on the following:

0-1offense = E (Excellent)

2-4 offenses = S (Satisfactory)

5-6 offenses = N (Needs Improvement)

more than 6 offenses = U (Unsatisfactory)

  1. Parents will be contacted if rules are continuously broken.
  2. After parents have been contacted and rules are still being broken, student will be sent to their grade level administrator


  1. Grades will be based on assessments, classwork, homework, projects, and class participation. Grades are not weighted for this course.
  2. Make-up work will be accepted as follows: 1 day's absence, 1 day to make up work; 2 days' absences, 2 days to make up work, etc. Special arrangements can be made for special circumstances beyond student's control; the key factor is communication. Make up work is YOUR responsibility.
  3. All work should be turned in on time in order to keep up with the pace of the class and be able to reflect on what you have learned and what you still need work on before assessments. Late work can be turned up to 1 week late (5 school days) for no more than 50% of the original score. After the late deadline has passed, the grade will remain a zero.
  4. Students who miss an assessment will need to make arrangements to make it up before or after school within a week of returning. If it is not made up, it will be a zero. If a student is present when an assessment is announced and are absent the day before the assessment, they will still be expected to take the assessment on the day they return to class. Pay attention to important dates!


  1. 3-ring binder (recommended)
  2. Loose-leaf college-ruled notebook paper: No spiral edges accepted.
  3. Pencils or blue or black pens
  4. Kleenex box (1st & 2nd), paper towels (4th & 5th), a ream of copy paper (6th & 7th)
  5. French Club Dues $15 (optional)