Intro to Communications (Speech) (Period 1st)


4th Newscast

Another rockstar student! This student involved her siblings during the lockdown--you might even recognize someone you know as her guest-star! Enjoy! I definitely did!

3rd Newscast

Rockstar student who took this class during the pandemic...I NEVER met her in-person! Yet she did an outstanding job on this newscast and had fun doing it--playing ALL the roles! Enjoy this one-student show!

2nd Newscast

This one has it all--starting with a commercial (a "video" that re-used the same audio from this group's radio commercial--brilliant and time-saving!) and including fast-paced segments including REAL footage from the renovation...the background of the front of the Main Building will cause your jaws to drop and you might even say, "No way!" and stuff like that. Overall a solid newscast...perfect? Pretty darn close...

1st Newscast

This is a group project approach--quirky humor...some of you will like this...some won't. Either way, please pay attention to the structure of their newscast: Title screen, transition screens, commercials between segments. Is it perfect?!? No way! But hey, they filmed during the renovation!

2023 Fall Semester Exam Intro to Communications "High School Training Ground" by Malcolm London from

This is the video of Malcolm London performing his poem "High School Training Ground". For the Final Exam, we will watch this in class two times and then students will write their opinions of the piece and the performer with questions to guide them (see the "File" section for the questions).