COVID-19 FAQs for Students & Families

Will there be a Graduation ceremony this year?

Given the current situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, and guidance from our local and state health officials, we will not be able to hold our traditional graduation ceremony on May 11th as scheduled. However, we are committed to finding a way to honor our Seniors for their hard work over the years. Bartlett High School is still working to finalize plans to pay special recognition to the 2020 senior class. Bartlett High School will be releasing information soon on how best they can accomplish this.

Will Bartlett High School students receive a refund for Prom tickets?

Yes. Bartlett High School will issue a full refund for any student who purchased a prom ticket for this year.

Will Seniors receive their Cap and Gown?

Yes. Beginning the week of May 4th, Bartlett High School will have student’s cap and gown available for pick up at a day and time assigned to them from the school.

Bartlett High School will also provide information to students who do not wish to receive their cap and gown.

How do Seniors receive their final transcripts and their Senior Records?

Seniors may email Jana Radford at [email protected] for more information on transcripts. Bartlett High School will be providing information on when students can order final transcripts.

Will fees be returned?

Some fees will be returned to families. Individual schools will be reaching out to each student and family regarding any refund of student-related fees.

Bartlett High School will refund Senior fees and will provide additional refund-related information to students.

Spring sport fees that were collected by the school will be refunded. Schools will be reaching out to affected students and families directly regarding refunds.

Will my child be able to pick-up personal and school-related items from their school?

Yes. Beginning the week of May 4th families will have the opportunity to pick up their items. Each school will provide instructions and a specific day and time where families can retrieve items.

Schools will also provide additional information on when you can pick-up/drop-off other items such as yearbooks, spring pictures, medications, library books, textbooks, instruments, etc.

How will laptops be returned?

Students returning to BCS for the 2020-2021 school year will have the option to keep their laptop over the summer. Students and parents will be required to complete an online agreement form if they decide to keep their device. Each school will be providing additional detailed information.

Any student not returning to Bartlett City Schools for the 2020-2021 school year is required to return his/her district-issued device on the day and time provided by their school.

For students opting to return their laptop, your child’s school will provide additional instructions on when laptops can be returned.

Seniors will be required to return their district-issued device. Additional instructions will be provided by the school along with certain days and times when laptops can be returned.

How will students receive their final grades? How will I know if my child passed their grade level?

Final report cards will be available in the parent portal after May 22nd. More details will be shared when the report cards have posted. Parents may also contact their child’s teacher for immediate information.

How do students receive their attendance letters for their driver’s permit?

Students may request attendance letters from [email protected].

Will BCS continue the online learning resources?

Yes. We will continue to provide online learning resources for all students K-12 on our website at: Weekly opportunities will be posted each week. This coursework is optional and intended to reinforce the instructional learning students received before school was closed.

Will BCS still provide the free meal program?

Yes. BCS will continue to provide our free meal pick-up program through May 22nd. Students are eligible to receive free breakfast and lunch meals through the end of the school year. Pick-up will be Monday-Thursday from 11:00am-1:00pm in the front drive at Bartlett High School (5688 Woodlawn). This is a drive through pick-up and no one is allowed to stay and eat on site. Also, since there is no pick-up on Fridays, those Friday meals will be given out each Thursday.

For ongoing information on COVID-19 and what we have been communicating to our BCS families, visit our special website at: