Kelly Szczepanski » Communication Based Functional Skills

Communication Based Functional Skills



An Attitude of Excellence


I have been teaching Functional Skills for 18 years. I truly love and enjoy my job. Thank you for allowing me to work with your student everyday! 

We as a Functional Skills Department have many things planned for our students this year to prepare them as much as possible for a smooth transition from school to productive and fulfilling adult lives. We have a PAES Lab that offers our students many opportunities to further their independence. Our mission is for our students to reach the goal of having as much independence as possible when he or she leaves our program.

I understand that as parents you may have questions concerning your student. I am always open to communicating with you. Please feel free to do that using the take home notebook. This is a notebook that will go home daily and return to school daily. This is a great communication tool between home and school. Another way to reach me is to call the school at 373-2620 ext. 7025. If I am unable to come to the phone, Mrs. Edgar will be happy to get a message to me. I will return your call as soon as possible. Also, feel free to email me anytime.

I am looking forward to a great year!