AP HUG Agenda 8/12

1. BR: Get out Mind Map and compare with person next to you.  

Don't know them? Introduce yourself and tell them your favorite 

theme park or vacation you have ever been on. Look to #2 in Agenda for guiding questions

 if you need help.

2. Pair then share: What was similar/different about your maps? 

Why did they draw the things they did? 

What Units of AP HUG do you think this activity relates to? Why? (refer to your descriptions from day 1 homework)

3. Why of Where and Who cares?



HW:Story of One (https://www.ted.com/talks/chimamanda_adichie_the_danger_of_a_single_story/transcript?language=en)

-How is this story impacted by Imperialism?

-Find 3 countries that have been impacted by Imperialism and tell us

 their story of how it probably affected them (we will discuss both this and #3 of the Agenda tomorrow)